Trollius chinensis Bge in pharmacognosy, pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmacology, pharmacy and clinical application has higher application value. 金莲花在生药学、药物化学、药理学、药剂学和临床等方面具有很高的应用价值。
Reformation on Innovational Teaching of Pharmaceutical Chemistry; 结论造血干细胞移植前化学药物。
Natural pharmaceutical chemistry, based on experiment, has much to do with society and environment. 天然药物化学是一门以实验为基础的科学,它与社会、环境紧密联系。
Environmental Education in Experimental Teaching of Natural Pharmaceutical Chemistry 寓环保教育于天然药物化学实验教学之中
According to the characteristic of pharmaceutical chemistry, the experimental teaching and laboratory management of pharmaceutical chemistry were introduced as the reference. 进行了介绍,希望能对药物化学实验教学及实验室的管理提供借鉴。
Bachelor Degree on Analytical Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Biochemistry or related science is a must; 化学分析、药物化学、生物化学或相关专业本科。
Pharmaceutical Chemistry as a major course in Pharmacy, which is intersected with other courses of Organic Chemistry, Drug Analysis and Pharmacology, is closely related with other courses of Pharmacy. 作为药学主干课程的药物化学,兼具有机化学、药物分析、药理学等学科的知识穿插点,与药学各学科密切相关。
CONCLUSION: The close combination of plasma pharmacology and plasma pharmaceutical chemistry is helpful to the study of pharmacokinetics and the expounding of the effective substances of traditional Chinese medicines. 结果与结论:血清药理学与血清药物化学的紧密结合,将有助于中药药代动力学的研究和中药药效物质基础的阐明。
The compounds of coumarin have many kinds of biological activity, and are important in pharmaceutical chemistry. 香豆素类化合物(coumarin)具有多种生理作用,对植物有双重的生理活性;
The authors have beneficially explored the "Discover Study Theory" in the senior vocational pharmaceutical chemistry experiment teaching. 笔者在高职药物化学实验教学中,对应用发现式学习理论进行教学做了有益的探索。
The pyridine system is of course very important in organic and pharmaceutical chemistry. 在有机和药物化学中,吡啶系是非常重要的。
The paper makes a brief introduction about internet in application of clinics and pharmaceutical chemistry. 本文简介了Internet在临床及药物化学方面的应用,并给出了一些相应的重要网址。
In recent years, the peptide chemistry begins to form and become an important branch of pharmaceutical chemistry. 近年来,多肽药物化学形成并迅速发展成为药物化学的重要分支。
Research and practice of reforming teaching pharmaceutical chemistry experiment courses 中药化学实验课教学改革的研究与实践
To improve the teaching efficiency and the teaching quality, based on curricular characteristic of pharmaceutical chemistry, the predominance and associated problems of computer-aided instruction in teaching of pharmaceutical chemistry were discussed. 本文结合药物化学这门课程的特点,阐述计算机辅助教学(CAI)在药物化学教学中的优势和应注意的问题,以达到提高教学效率和教学质量的目的。
In recent half century, great impetus has been made by QSAR to the development of synthetic chemistry, pharmaceutical chemistry and drug design, it is proved to be a powerful tool for correlating molecular structure with their physical/ chemical property or biological activity. 近半个世纪以来,QSAR研究对有机合成化学、药物化学及药物设计的发展起了巨大的推动作用,已经成为研究物质理化性质与生物活性以寻求分子解释的一个强有力工具。
It is becoming important to separate optical active compounds in the fields of biochemistry, organic chemistry, pharmaceutical chemistry as well as asymmetric synthesis and catalysis. 在生物化学、药物化学及有机化学中的不对称合成和催化技术中,旋光异构体的分离与分析显得越来越重要。
This review discusses the principle of IMS and its applications in protein chemistry, clinical chemistry and Pharmaceutical Chemistry. 本文介绍离子迁移谱技术的主要原理并综述离子迁移谱技术在蛋白质化学、临床化学和药物化学等方面的应用。
Practice on opening experiment in pharmaceutical chemistry teaching 药物化学实验教学中设立开放性实验的尝试
The integration of biochemistry, pharmaceutical chemistry, chemical technology and chemical engineering is required to increase the scientific content of traditional antibiotic production, and is also the important path for solving practical commercial problems. 提出只有加强药物化学、生物化学、化工工艺和化学工程诸学科间的相互渗透,实现学科杂交,才是提高传统抗生素产品分离科技含量的正确方向和解决实际问题的重要途径。
To study the interaction between small biological molecules and adrenaline can propel the development of biology, pharmaceutical chemistry and physical chemistry, etc. 研究生物小分子与肾上腺素的相互作用,对于推动生命科学、药物化学、物理化学等学科的发展能起到一定的积极作用。
Nowadays, synthesis of sugar compounds to modify nature drugs has become an important field of pharmaceutical chemistry. 糖基化修饰可以显著降低某些天然药物的毒性并改善其吸收,因而目前合成糖基化合物来修饰天然药物已成为药物化学发展的一个重要领域。
This study has theoretical significance and practical value as well as the modeling effect of the application of fingerprint, serum pharmaceutical chemistry and "spectrum-effect" relationships in Veterinary pharmaceutical. 本研究具有理论意义和实用价值,同时对指纹图谱技术、血清药物化学及谱效关系在中兽药中的应用起到了示范作用。
Pyrrole compounds have received a great deal of attention, due to their importance in organic chemistry and pharmaceutical chemistry. 吡咯类杂环化合物在有机化学和药物化学领域中具有重要的地位,因此正受到人们高度的重视。
The DNA binding and cleavage properties and anticancer activities of some complexes were evaluated, they provided some useful information for the development of metal pharmaceutical chemistry. 评估了其中部分化合物与DNA结合的性质、DNA切割活性与抗肿瘤活性,为金属配合物药物化学的发展提供了有用的信息。
Such methods have shown positive effects on various chemical embranchment subjects, especially pharmaceutical chemistry, biochemistry and food chemistry and provide a variety of powerful techniques to resolve practical difficult problems occurred in these subjects. 它已对各化学分支学科,尤其是药物化学、生物化学、食品化学等学科产生了较大的影响,为直接解决这些分支学科中的实际分析难题提供了强有力的武器。
Molecular iodine-catalyzed reactions have been used widely in organic chemistry and pharmaceutical chemistry as one of the most important catalysts in organic synthesis. 分子碘作为一种重要的有机化学反应催化剂,已经在有机化学及药物化学等领域有着广泛应用。
So it poses a rigorous challenge for the study of traditional Chinese medicine and natural pharmaceutical chemistry. 这就对中药及天然药物化学研究提出了极大挑战,同时也为生物化学工程学科开辟新方向提供了历史机遇。
Currently, microfluidic chip technology has been widely used in fields such as life study of science, pharmaceutical chemistry, food security, and medical science. 目前微流路芯片技术已经在生命科学研究、药物化学、食品安全和医学等领域得到了广泛的应用。
Recently, the research on the antibacterial, antiviral and antitumor nucleosides is a hot topic in the pharmaceutical chemistry. 抗菌、抗病毒及抗肿瘤核苷类药物的研究是当今药物化学研究中的热点课题。